How really we can stay at home?

You see, even staying home is an art, a learnable skill!

Here is what we can do. Warning: you may disagree but then, it worked for me:

Stop binge-watching webseries (Netflix, etc). We only end up getting frustrated, even depressed(particularly if we have watched some dark fantasies with disturbing scenes). Instead, try reading good books. They give you mental peace!

Stop scrolling endlessly through Social Media, liking or viewing meaningless posts. Give yourself a ‘no-social media’ time. Instead, call and check up on friends and family. Talk and share. Feels great, indeed.

Stop staying in bed for prolonged time. Move around a bit. Make your bed, organise your desk, wash your washroom, clean the clutter. It hardly takes 10 minutes. Result: 10X satisfaction.

Play games. But not online. Stop playing ludo or carom with internet friends! Instead, play them with your family members, especially with elders. This will only accentuate your bond with them.

Pray for others. Help to the best of your capacity. Breathe deeply. Workout daily. The importance can’t be over-emphasized. Connecting to the core, to the creation, to our inner self is profoundly helpful.

-penned by Saurav Somani

#StaySafe! #StayHome! #StayfitCAstudent#deepthoughts#inspiring#motivating

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